Master of Arts in Disability & Ministry
Western Theological Seminary

Program Details

The online Master of Arts in Disability & Ministry stands as a pioneering program, designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and empathy necessary to foster inclusive communities where people of all abilities are welcomed, valued, and empowered to fully participate in the life of the church. At the core of the program lies a commitment to understanding disability through a theological lens. The ultimate goal of this online master’s degree program is to empower individuals and communities to embrace the gifts and contributions of people with disabilities fully.

Classes include, but are not limited to:

  • Christian Interior Life
  • Old Testament Foundations
  • Intro to Disability and the Church

Classes are taught by dedicated and professional faculty. Career opportunities for graduates include jobs in church ministry, nonprofits, Christian education, and more. As students embark on this journey of learning and discovery, they are invited to imagine a world where diversity is embraced, barriers are broken down, and all are welcomed as full participants in the life of the church.

% Online

100% Online

School Accreditation & Licensing

Western Theological Seminary is accredited by:

Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS)

Program Requirements & Restrictions

Minimum Education

Bachelor Degree

Application Requirements

Official College Transcript(s), Additional Materials May Be Required