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Is Brooklyn Bay University and Ed Barton University Richford University a scam?

I have been given an interview with a so called professor and was given credits for my working experience etc. All seemed very legit. I even had people phoning me from the Social work and Affairs Council saying that I am legible for a sponsorship of 75% of the study fees. I paid $499 NOT to Brooklyn Bay University but to  I have been hounded to pay the $3100 fees before allowed to the learning portal.  They could not give me a proper curriculum for B.ED and majoring in Adult Education. They did send me the subjects by email.  They even sent me an e-mail with attested certificates that I will receive after I have complete the degree. They sent me a welcome letter via DHL with the sender being a Eric Murphy, with an address from Richmond which is currently unoccupied and up for lease.  It does not state my Student number and when I needed to pay they wanted me to pay it into Creek Academic Group. I said I would need my student number as a reference and they told me that I should leave it blank????? Really. There are so many things fake on this I can write 100 pages on what is wrong here. Even the board of trustees is something to laugh at.  All the names that contact me is either someone who is on the internet as retired or a person affiliated with other educational institutions. Even the student councillors that I have had a live chatwith like Richard M Watson etc etc.  You cant find anything on the internet or physical address or anybody even working for this Brooklyn Bay University.  Look at their press releases on the name you can see have beencutover with Liza Bedford which is a home schooling mom (look the different font). Listen to their video the voice is not American.

So when investigating I came across these two universities Brooklyn Bay and Ed Barton are very similiar even their newroom and events are exactly the same. You cant be both on the 3rd place of online universities on Online Ed Ranker.( Real website is 

Ed Barton UNiversity

On these links look at the news IESFWA news for both of these universities with smiliar news that the educational grants will go only to the specific universities.

Look at the two logo’s of the universities very similar, as well as Richford university which became a fake and may people lost their money.  Also be on the lookout for names similar to real universities.

Richford = Richmond

Brooklyn Bay = Brooklyn College or Brooklyn University in Australia

Also look out for their likes on their facebook page and if you can post a comment?

There are so many scams please have a look out and make sure.  Good luck!!


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